Charleston RISE empowers public education advocates by connecting them to each other and then preparing them to improve our schools…together.
Charleston RISE is a grassroots movement with one goal: to empower local parents to demand an excellent education for all Charleston students. Charleston RISE accomplishes this by mobilizing Charleston County advocates (parents, grandparents and others dedicated to improving public education) who have a clear passion for improving our education system, and then prepares them for community advocacy through a two-part program that is designed to give them the necessary tools, information and network to work for true, system-wide change for kids.

Did you know?
In 2014, 30 Charleston schools received a “D” or an “F” ranking from USDOE, and over 85 percent (21 of 23) of these failing elementary and middle schools in Charleston served predominantly African American students.
In South Carolina, only two percent of African American high school juniors test as college-ready.
of Charleston African American third graders failed their state reading test in 2017.

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